
Whatever your country of origin or whatever type of music you prefer to listen to, you can now find examples in recordings. Everything from drum solos to full symphonic orchestra now can be found and purchased. What's more there are many ways in which you can listen. Radio and music videos are obvious choices, but you can also listen to your favorite pieces with an MP3 player. Many mobile phones today allow you to download and play your favorite music pieces.

Probably the most complete experience in music enjoyment no matter what your favorite music type is, is to attend a concert. You can sit back in a comfortable seat in a concert hall and enjoy the full sound of a top symphonic orchestra where the sounds of the various instruments are carefully tuned and balanced so that you can pick up the emotion of the music.

Alternatively, you can attend a soul thumping rock concert where you feel the bass reverberating in your back teeth. The lights and energy of the audience adds to the total experience so that more than one sense is involved than hearing.




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